Frequently Asked Questions.

Moovit provides a number of transport services to customers around the world. Please refer to our Services page for more information.

To find out if your shipment has been delivered, who signed for it and other tracking information just type in your GFL consignment number on the Track and Trace page.

Our Transit Times provides information on all the destinations we can ship to from your location. When you book online or use our shipping tools, we will verify whether we can ship to the required destination.

We have been in the freight brokering business since 2014; our staff has decades more in collective experience. Our excellent reputation speaks for itself. We will be here for the long run by doing right by customers just like you.

Yes. Our professional logistics team is proud to work with companies both large and small. We can provide you with scheduled service or a one-off shipment. Some of the companies we service include mechanical, industrial, trade show transportation, produce, food and beverage, aerospace and defense industry, plastic, automotive, pharmaceutical, sensitive deliveries, white-glove transportation.

Moovit provides a number of transport services to customers around the world. Please refer to our Services page for more information.

To find out if your shipment has been delivered, who signed for it and other tracking information just type in your GFL consignment number on the Track and Trace page.

Our Transit Times provides information on all the destinations we can ship to from your location. When you book online or use our shipping tools, we will verify whether we can ship to the required destination.

We have been in the freight brokering business since 2014; our staff has decades more in collective experience. Our excellent reputation speaks for itself. We will be here for the long run by doing right by customers just like you.

Yes. Our professional logistics team is proud to work with companies both large and small. We can provide you with scheduled service or a one-off shipment. Some of the companies we service include mechanical, industrial, trade show transportation, produce, food and beverage, aerospace and defense industry, plastic, automotive, pharmaceutical, sensitive deliveries, white-glove transportation.